Here's the list of books that have affected me:
- One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukouka on the subject of primitive ways of farming and simple living
- Train to Pakistan by Kushwant Singh, a novel on the partition of India in 1947
- Small is Beautiful by E F Schumacher on moving towards small , appropriate technologies in our society for a better and sustainable world
- How to Talk So Kids will Listen & Listen So Kids will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
- The Third Wave by Alvin Toffler on understanding the evolution of our civilization and looking at all aspects of it and how it is shaping the future
- The complete works of Vivekananda by Swami Vivekananda on hinduism and its way of life
- The seven habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey on personal leadership
- Moral, Immoral, Amoral by Osho or Baba Rajaneesh on philosophy
- Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel on Java Language