Sunday, December 12, 2021

Advantages of Online Book wrt to Printed Books

Discovered this interesting comparison of online books vs printed books

Monday, November 01, 2021

The Arrival of Fall

It's that time of the year, when the trees she their leaves

It's that time of the year, when the squirrels hide the nuts in the soil

It's fall... the winter is coming and all are preparing for it

Action/Inaction and Changing the World

 Blaise Pascal said this:

“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

UG Krishnamurti said this:

 “The plain fact is that if you don't have a problem, you create one. If you don't have a problem you don't feel that you are living.”

There is an innate emptiness in human soul, that craves for some external stimuli to fill the void. If we dont act/dont do something we start to feel that emptyness. 

We create things, which creates other problems and then we create solutions to those problems and those in-turn create more problems. And this spiral continues forever and we derive meaning from being part of this spiral. I do not know if its a converging or diverging spiral.

The best thing in the larger context would be not to do anything, but for most of us its not possible. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

You are one amongst them (Us)

हम भी ऊन्ही जैसे तुच्च है

हम भी ऊन्ही जैसे ऊच्च है

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Is there anything that is Un-Selfish ?

The human self seems to be so strong an attachment, that it is impossible to do anything which has no motive of gain for "The Self". I observed my thoughts and my actions over some period of time and I noticed that almost every time it was to seek something that was profitable for the Self. I did something because I anticipated some gain for me, I wanted to help some people because I thought that was a noble way of living and thus make me a noble person, I wanted to be respected, I wanted to enhance my image of a nice person, I wanted to enhance my image of an honest person. I did something, because I was following "my ideals".  

When it came to my affinity for doing something in the social service sector, was not entirely to help the people who were in need, but also to gain some satisfaction of doing something worthy. So it was not pure. It was contaminated with the desire to satisfy the self.

The only thing that came close to being unselfish, was playing the role of a parent to my (this word mine is again selfish :-) ) daughter. I don't do things because I want to be good father,  I do because I think it will help her. I don't expect anything in return. 

As long as you are attached, you will not be able to do anything well. To have purity in one's thoughts and actions, one needs to be detached from the rewards and expectations. To make good judgements, one needs to be detached.

I recently saw the movie "Invictus", in which Nelson Mandela says "The day I am afraid to do that is the day I am no longer fit to lead."