Read it somewhere and is something that I want to remember
Imagine your child comes back from a practice and says: 'I hate karate! It's too hard. I don't want to do this anymore!'. Just tell them this: 'Okay, you can quit. But not today.' Then explain: 'We all have bad days when we want to quit. When something feels hard, our brain and body resist because they want us to be comfortable. But if we quit on a bad day, we will never become great at something and we might regret this later'.
'So here's the deal. You can quit on a good day. When you have had a successful day and still want to quit, let's talk'.
This approach normalizes struggle (which builds resilience) and honors your child's choice if they want to try something else.
We all have these days when it's just too hard. To build resilience, adopt this mantra: Never quit on a bad day.
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