Sunday, August 13, 2023

On Reading

Over the past 3 years, I have been spending significant time Reading books on various topics. Although I was always interested in reading : newspapers, magazines, online articles, blog posts, books, but the time I usually spent was quite less. But this has changed in the last 3 years. Since the pandemic started there's more time at my disposal to do some reading and to fill that time, I started borrowing books, buying used books libraries, used-book stores, used online books.  With this change I can certainly say that I am an avid reader now :-) 

I read... but I forget :-) so sometimes I wonder what I am gaining from this reading... but then I realize that there's on idea or a story from each book that remains in my mind .. which enriches me... challenges my re-evaluate my opinions and this is worth the time. 

My underlying goal has always been to understand how the world operates... I will never be able to accomplish that, as that is very complex and a moving target ... but every step in that direction seems worthwhile...a hobby that it is to fill the time that I have.

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